Wednesday, 4 December 2013

No Flight? Not a problem!

I have heard many people complain about not being able to fly until 6.1.  Come on people, this isn't the first time we've had to wait until we could fly.

Burning crusade was the expansion that brought us flying. For most classes you had to wait until level 70, the level cap, to get flying. Unless of course you were a druid. If so you got it at level 68.

So then we come to Wrath of the Lich King. Flying was again taken from us until level 77.

Cataclysm was apparently the exception in which you could get the Flight Master's License from the get go.

Mists of Pandaria comes out .. and guess what ... no flight until level 90.

So out of 4 expansions its 3-1 in favour of having to wait until some point of time to be able to fly. And I like it this way, it feels like it means something to actually obtain flight.

And really, is flying that big of a portion of the game? You can do 99% of what you need to do, without your flying mounts. The 1%? Getting around.

So really, why are people trying to boycott or say they are going to boycott a game? Just play the game. Have fun. There is so much to enjoy in this game. Flight just enhances the experience. It doesn't make it. How many people played the game before Burning Crusade? We didn't have flight then.

So long folks.

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Free Purples

I recently took part in a discussion on the World of Warcraft forums about LFR. In that discussion another player brought up the topic of free purples.

I have to vehemently disagree that purples are free ... anywhere.

Yes I know the Timeless Isle allows you to open a chest and get a iLvl 496 item. But it is not free.

For one, you have to be level 90 to use these items and to get to the island through the designed method. That means you have to put time and effort into getting here.

There are also two methods of obtaining these items:

  1. Killing elites
  2. Opening chests
Killing elites would not make them free as you have to fight, with a group to get these items. 

With chests there are the ones that you have to purchase a key from a large Hozen. 500 timeless coins.
Not free. I have found that you lose more coins than you gain.

Most chests on the isle are one time use. The rest, aside from the chest cave, are weekly uses. So there is a great amount of limitation on you once you have been there for a bit. Furthermore the following costs apply, which apply to killing elites.
  1. You are not guaranteed to get an Timelost arrmor pice.
  2. If you do get one, you are not guaranteed that it will be for the preferred armor type for your class.
  3. If it is the preferred armor type for your class, you aren't guaranteed to get a piece that you need. You might get three chest pieces, and unless you have a burden of eternity, they are useless.
Now I understand you can send these pieces to other characters, but remember they can't use them until level 90, so if they arent' level capped, well they are just space users.

So no, the Timeless Isle is not just handing out full gear sets, there is a cost involved.

As for LFR, and more than likely flex and normal and heroic modes, they aren't free either. Last night I ran the first wing of Throne of Thunder. The only thing I got was a Sigil of Power and gold. No Purple armor dropped. Just greens that were useless to me.

So really, why are raiding elitists complaining about gear being free?

Tuesday, 30 July 2013


Alts. You either love them or ye hate them. Personally I love alts. Well the only thing I don't like is the fact that I have thirty three characters that I want to get to level ninety. Problem for me is I never know when to speed level them or slowly level them. Personally I like to go slow, not getting/using my first mount until level forty, then sixty. Flight at seventy. Completing every quest in every zone before moving on. Well through Vanilla, I have a path, I don't do it all. But that's that. It's late ... and I don't know what else to say at the moment.

Oh btw #TeamDae for the win!

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Group Quests ... Really

So recently I've been working on my Blood Elf Hunter on Wyrmrest Accord. Before starting on WrA I had gotten my hunter, Karn'Nakas, to level 70. I had the intent of clearing all non-dungeon content in each expansion groups before moving on to the next. Once I got to Icecrown I ran into a rather annoying problem. Group quests. Oh I had run into a couple prior, but managed to defeat them. But in Icecrown where I had stopped my xp gain at 81? No way. And it wasn't just a few. After I finished some with the help of a guild mate, I got more after a few regular quests. Now don't get me wrong, I do like the concept of a group quest, it promotes social gaming. However, in old content that you don't have many people doing at level, it's kinda pointless to have quests that you require a group for. It isn't all that easy for everyone to get the people needed. Well that's my rambling for today.

Thursday, 27 June 2013

My first day

Well this is going to be my attempt at a blog. I can't promise a polished product, but I will be saying things as I see it. This will be about my thoughts and experiences in the wonderful MMORPG World of Warcraft. Hope you all enjoy.